Public Hospitals of Paris
Assistance Publique–Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) is the university hospital trust operating in Paris and its surroundings. It is the largest hospital system in Europe and one of the largest in the world. It receives an average of more than 10 million patients per year. The reference centre for Prader-Willi and other rare obesities is one of the 180 reference centres for rare diseases in APHP. PRADORT reference centre for children and adults, is a leader in the management of obesity of rare causes (genetic and lesional) at national, European (endoERN network) and international level. It is the source of recommendations such as the PNDS (protocol for diagnostic and care) Rare Obesities published in France in 2021 (https://www.has-sante.fr/jcms/p_3280217/fr/generique-obesites-de-causes-rares) numerous publications, particularly in connection with clinical trials and new early access therapies, which have been developing significantly in this field over the past 3 years, and decision support tools (Obsgen web tool).
Christine Poitou, MD, PhD is full professor in the Department of Nutrition, Trousseau University-Hospital (APHP). They worked for many years in the care of in adults and children with rare obesities at the reference centre for patients with rare obesities (PRADORT). They are part of an INSERM/Sorbonne University research unit headed by Karine Clément, world leader in obesity research. They are involved in academic national clinical research protocols for rare obesities as a coordinating investigator of the ObeRar Cohort and involved in clinical trials with new drugs in obesities (semaglutide, setmelanotide). Christine Poitou is part of the EU Ref. Network Endo-ERN and MTG5 "Growth & Genetic Obesity Syndromes". They will lead a task in OBELISK WP1 (Oberar Cohort) and WP5 (implementation of the clinical trials ObeGeSema).