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Advisory Board

A Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and an Ethics Advisor will support the Obelisk consortium.

The SAB monitors progress and provides external scientific advice to the consortium to continuously improve the quality and excellence of the project’s research.

The Ethics Advisor ensures that ethical issues are properly addressed and ethical obligations are fulfilled throughout the project.

Scientific Advisory Board

These representatives, detailed below, are external to the project consortium and are experts in childhood obesity and other relevant areas.


Anke Hinney


Professor, Head of the Section of Molecular Genetics in Mental Disorders
and Institute of Sex and Gender-Sensitive Medicine
Vice Dean for Young Scientists and Diversity, Medical Faculty of the
University of Duisburg-Essen

University of Duisburg-Essen

Antje Körner


Professor and Head at Center of Pediatric Research, Leipzig University Children’s Hospital, Leipzig and Head of Childhood Obesity and Metabolic Research

Helmholtz-Institut für Metabolismus-, Adipositas- und Gefäßforschung (HI-MAG)

University Children’s Hospital,

David Meyre


University Professor (University of Lorraine) - Hospital Practitioner (Nancy University Hospital) 

Director of the INSERM / University of Lorraine UMR1256 Nutrition-genetics and exposure to environmental risks (NGERE) Research Unit Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France 

University Hospital of Nancy

Ethics Advisor


Daniel Vasmant


Dr (MD, PhD) Nephrologist, Coordinator at Regional Association of Nephrology of Ile-de-France (RENIF)

(RENIF), Paris